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Press Release: Governor Lee appoints Ginger Terry to the Tennessee Community Service Agency (TNCSA) Governing Board

August 26, 2022

Alamo, TN – Farmspace Systems LLC. congratulates our Director of Public and Governmental Relations, Ginger Terry, on her recent appointment by Governor Bill Lee to the Tennessee Community Services Agency (TNCSA) board, representing the Grand West Region.

The mission of the TNCSA is to serve and partner and change the lives for a better Tennessee. TNCSA was created by legislation in 1989 to help children and Tennessee citizens in need. The agency’s governing board is comprised of twelve members from across the state and the Commissioner's Designee who have been shown to have positive impact in their local communities. 

Ms. Terry is widely known for her volunteer service to the local community and to the state of Tennessee. She has worked closely with non-profits such as the Exchange Club-Carl Perkins Centers in Lexington and Jackson, as well as Habitat for Humanity. Ms. Terry was previously appointed as a Tennessee Arts Commissioner and served on Tennesseans for the Arts. She is a graduate of Leadership Henderson County and served on the West Star Alumni Council in 2007. Ms. Terry is a former Vice-President of the Jackson Area Business Professional Women's Club, and a member of the Tennessee Immigrant and Minority Business Group (TIMBG) in Nashville Tennessee. She received the 2017 Sterling Award as one of the “20 Most Influential Women in West Tennessee” and was selected as a “2022 Woman of Impact” for the American Heart Association.

TNCSA provides a mechanism to facilitate the provision of services for children and other citizens in Tennessee through centralized agencies located throughout the state. Since its inception in 1989, TNCSA has served well over a half million Tennesseans.

Contact Wanda Castellaw at or Cell (202) 365-5001 for more information. Farmspace Systems, LLC. is headquartered in Alamo, Tennessee, and is a veteran owned and operated company serving the Midsouth’ s agriculture and first responder communities.

(888) 738-9769

P.O. Box 307
26 Gerald Castellaw Rd,
Alamo, TN 38001, USA

©2023 by Farmspace Systems LLC.
 Farmspace Systems, LLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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